The Artistic Committee is comprised of independent American and French professionals who specialize in contemporary art.
A Program Officer facilitates the operations and activities of the Artistic Committee and plays a vital role in assisting organizations in developing new projects, connecting with potential partners, and evaluating the eligibility of their projects for support.
Paula Aisemberg, Bill Arning, François Barré, Nicholas Baume, Marie-Claude Beaud, Naomi Beckwith, Ian Berry, Adeline Blanchard, Bernard Blistène, Mélanie Bouteloup, Elizabeth Brown, Marie-Cécile Burnichon, Connie Butler, Valérie Cassel, Alaina Claire Feldman, Amada Cruz, Michèle de Angelus, Florence Derieux, Xavier Douroux, Sophie Duplaix, Nathalie Ergino, Jane Farver, Russell Ferguson, Hendrik Folkerts, Friis-Hansen, César Garcia, Laurence Gateau, Vincent Gonzalvez, Lynn Gumpert, Eleanor Heartney, Laura Hoptman, Jamillah James, Jenny Jaskey, Mary Jane Jacob, Eungie Joo, Werner H. Kramarsky, Charlotte Laubard, Emma Lavigne, Emmanuelle Lequeux, Armelle Leturcq, Brett Littman, Christine Macel, Eric Mangion, Nicole Martin, Denise Miller, Helen Molesworth, Camille Morineau, Terry Myers, Alfred Pacquement, Paul Hervé Parsy, Frédéric Paul, Frank Perrin, Ann Philbin, Ron Platt, Aline Pujo, François Quintin, Lawrence Rinder, Michel Roux, Raphael Rubinstein, Ingrid Schaffner, Didier Semin, Debra Singer, Robert Storr, Terrie Sultan, Annabelle Ténèze, Marcia Tucker, Christine Van Assche, Philippe Vergne, Germain Viatte, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Hamza Walker, Benjamin Weil, Adam Weinberg.
Olivier Le Falher | Program Officer