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Higher Education

Bringing study abroad opportunities to Community College students across the US.

Community College in France aims at building connections between U.S. Community Colleges and French higher education institutions, and increase diversity and inclusion in study abroad. As part of this initiative, the Embassy of France and Albertine Foundation offer community college students with a strong interest in cultural exchange, the opportunity to study abroad and experience life in France.

Studying abroad should be within the grasp of every student!
The Community College in France initiative helps break down barriers that are keeping community college students from studying abroad and gives them the opportunity to broaden their horizons, by participating in short-term summer programs, or enrolling in a degree-granting program.

Community College in France is made possible thanks to the support of:
L’Oréal Fund for Women
Albert & Elaine Borchard Foundation.

Immersive Summer Programs in France


The French Bootcamps offer community college students the opportunity to study in France during a two-week summer program. The French Bootcamps are organized and hosted by French higher education institutions.

What to expect:

— High-quality academic programs from top French institutions.
— A multi-disciplinary and project-based learning experience on sustainable development and ecology.
— Logistic and administrative support.
— An all-inclusive package.
— An enriching personal experience and memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life!


The Community College in France program is also open to Community College administrators and faculty.
By attending one of the Bootcamps they will: 

— Get a better understanding of the French higher education system.
— Meet their French counterparts.
— Discuss opportunities for collaboration between the two institutions.

Questions about studying in France?

You will find all the key resources on the Campus France website.


Benoît Labat
Program Officer