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Programs & Festivals

Albertine Foundation, Villa Albertine, and the French Embassy in the US presented the third edition of CinéSchool for the school year 2023-2024.

CinéSchool broadened the availability of French-speaking cinema for schools and students across the US by offering a selection of 10 free movies adapted for vairous age groups, and available on the streaming platform Festival Scope.

French teachers got access to educational resources for each movie with post-screening activities on Genially and Flip. Directors Julien Chhend and Jean-Christophe Roger (Ernest et Célestine en hiver), Vincent Tricon and Bernie Krause (Bernie Krause, A Life with The Great Animal Orchestra), Julien Fournet (Pil), and Nicolas Maubert, Space Counselor to the French Embassy and French Space Agency (CNES) Representative in the US (Thomas Pesquet, l’envoyé spatial) pre-recorded short introduction videos and answered students’ questions on Flip.

2023-2024 Film Selection

CinéSchool aims to build greater awareness and understanding of French and French-speaking cinema among young students across the US.

Movies are presented online in French (with English subtitles when possible) on FestivalScope during a weekend and are accessible by invitation only to registered classes (limited number of free tickets available per movie). Students watch the film individually at home on their tablet or computer.

  1. Tout en haut du monde (Long Way North) by Rémi Chayé, 1h21, PG, France-Denmark
  2. Bernie Krause, A Life with The Great Animal Orchestra by Vincent Tricon, 37 min., France
  3. Petit Vampire (Little Vampire) by Joann Sfar, 1h22, France-Belgium
  4. Allons enfants (Rookies) by Thierry Demaizière and Alban Teurlai, documentaire, 1h50, France
  5. Nelly et Simon : Mission Yéti (The Yeti Adventures) by Nancy Florence Savard and Pierre Greco, 1h20, Canada
  6. Ernest et Célestine en hiver (Ernest & Celestine, Winter Tales) by Julien Chheng and Jean-Christophe Roger, program of 4 animated short films, 45 min., France
  7. Wallay by Berni Goldblat, PG, 1h24, Burkina Faso-France
  8. Pil (Pil’s Adventures) by Julien Fournet, PG, 1h29, France
  9. Thomas Pesquet, l’envoyé spatial by Jürgen Hansen and Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff, documentary, 1h00, France
  10. Les Ritournelles de la Chouette (The Owl’s Jingles) by Anaïs Sorrentino, Frits Standaert, Jérémie Mazurek, Célia Tisserant and Célia Tocco, 49 min., Belgium-France

Curated by Nathalie Charles, Program Officer, in charge of CinéSchool.

2023-2024 Participating Schools

CinéSchool is an initiative available for all French teachers in public and private elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools across the US, in Alliances Françaises or FLAM programs (French enrichment language programs).

2023-2024 Sponsors and Partners

We sincerely thank all of our 2023-2024 sponsors and partners for making this third edition of CinéSchool possible. Merci !