Rafael Acosta, Ambassador of the South American Republic of Miranda, arrives with M.and Mme. Thévenot and the latter’s younger sister Florence to dine at the home of M. andMme Sénéchal (the three men enjoy a profitable association, smuggling heroin in thediplomatic pouch). Learning from Mme. Sénéchal that her husband is out and that theyhave arrived a day early, the party repair to a nearby restaurant but are deterred fromeating the meal they have ordered by the corpse of the proprietor, laid out in the next room.Accepting a subsequent invitation from the Sénéchals (who have now acquired a workerbishop as gardener), they deduce from the absence of their hosts (who have actually justslipped out to make love on the grounds) that a police raid is imminent and speedily depart.Their further attempts to eat together are equally abortive. The tearoom where the ladiesmeet has temporarily run out of all refreshments, while the Sénéchals’ next dinner party isinterrupted during the hors d’oeuvre by the premature arrival of an army battalion for wargames; the Colonel invites them all to dinner at his house the following week. TheColonel’s dinner, as M. Sénéchal dreams of it, is set on the stage of a theater above ajeering audience; in M. Thévenot’s sleep, it becomes a diplomatic reception at which theAmbassador, sensitive to political insult, shoots his host. At another lunch in theSénéchals’ house, the group is arrested and jailed for dope smuggling. Released upon theintervention the Minister of the Interior, they assemble for yet another meal and reach themeat course before being machine-gunned by terrorists — upon which the Ambassadorawakens with a start, then slips into the kitchen to raid the refrigerator. There is, however,reason to suppose our six charmingly discreet bourgeois will stride on towards yet anothertantalizing repast.
ABOUT THE RESTORATIONThe 4K restoration was produced by Studiocanal in 2022 with the support of the CNC(Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée). Restoration work was carried out bythe L’Image Retrouvée laboratory using elements stored in the French Film Archives. Theoriginal 35mm negative was scanned in 4K on Arriscan and, for certain parts of thenegative that were too badly damaged, an interpositive was used to optimize thereproduction of the film in its original quality. Scratches, physical deteriorations, and dusthave been erased frame by frame. The color grading was done with reference to theoriginal 35mm elements in order to respect the image as supervised by the film’s directorof photography Edmond Richard. The soundtrack has been restored from the original mixto recreate a sound consistent with the period.