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French For All

The 2025 Call For Applications is Open!


Application deadline: March 17, 2025

We invite teachers and administrators of American K-12 public schools, school districts, state agencies who manage French dual language and immersion programs to apply for a grant in the amount of $3,000 to $15,000 to support a specific project aimed at promoting the objectives of the Fund. The project should address one of the four specific program areas:

— 1 / Creating or developing a francophone environment in your school (for example, purchase of books, DVDs, CDs, or games for the francophone section of your school library OR organization of a francophone event such as film screenings, workshops with children’s or young adult authors, theater clubs, and more.)

— 2 / Adapted pedagogical material for the classroom (for example, curriculum supports such as software, DVDs, subscription to TV5, etc. for your French class or subject matter class adapted for French immersion, and more.)

— 3 / Opening a new French DLI Program or Class or Grade

— 4 / DELF/DALF French language proficiency tests for students

Examples given are intended to provide guidance, but do not represent an exhaustive list of possibilities.

The grant will not cover electronics or consumable stationary supplies. We will privilege projects that impact students year after year.


Be teachers or administrators at a U.S. public school, OR district administrators, OR state-level administrators, OR PTO/PTA affiliated with a French dual language or immersion program.

Work for a school, district or state which either has or is in the process of creating a French dual language or immersion program that will serve 20 or more students in the school year of the current cycle.

Applicants who have received a grant for the previous grant cycle must have completed and submitted the final grant report to be eligible to the current cycle. Complete the grant report here.

Provide a completed W9 Form with their application. If the application is selected, the grant will be disbursed to the entity whose name appears in box 1 of the W-9 Form.

Provide banking information on official bank letterhead for wire transfers.

Application & Calendar

The 2025 Call For Applications is Open!


Application deadline: March 17, 2025


Mickael Raggi | Program Coordinator