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Albertine Chapters

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the generosity of our donors, whose support is essential to making all of these projects possible:

• Véronique Bushala
• Susan Lyons
• Catherine Sarr
• Danielle Zimmerman

• Terra Foundation for American Art

The Terra Foundation for American Art has been a major support for the production of the photographic exhibition Opening Passages: Photographers Respond to Chicago and Paris. This multi-site exhibition was conceived and organized by Villa Albertine in Chicago, proposing various installations in non-traditional venues and community spaces across Chicago from May 4 to August 25, 2024, with the ambition of exploring the dynamic social landscapes of Chicago and Paris through ten photographic series by French and American artists.

Opening Passages Opening Passages was included in Art Design Chicago, a city-wide collaboration initiated by the Terra Foundation, to highlight the city’s artistic heritage and creative communities.


For all questions related to the Chicago Chapter of Albertine Foundation, please contact:

Axelle Moleur
Cutural Attaché

Nicolas Douay
Attaché for Higher Education